The Veterans’ Trader Project

A unique opportunity to learn about trading

Fellow traders,

A few years ago I heard a former fund-manager, and now fintech CEO, talk about the three key elements seen in good traders. You can read an article on it here. She said that in all her years there were three elements that kept showing up time-and-again in all the successful traders she worked with. They were:

– Process

– Discipline

– Self-Awareness

As an ex-military guy some of you may know that I’ve been developing a series of introductory trading courses to help Veterans re-train and give them a start in trading financial markets. It’s called The Veterans’ Trader Project (VTP). The longer-term plan will be to help young guys and girls who’ve been injured in recent conflicts by providing them with an opportunity to do something new and challenging. Anyone can join – but Veterans are given a priority on places.

Strangely enough those three elements mentioned above are also seen time and time again during training of military personnel. They have been deliberately built into the Stage 1 course in order to a) help veterans leverage their existing skill-sets and b) allow every-day guys and girls the chance to develop these skills and create their own Tactical Trading Plan.

The aim is to help teach new traders to navigate markets safely and effectively. Most amateurs focus on reward whereas professionals are always focusing on managing risk. Veterans by their very nature tend to be instinctively good at assessing and managing risk, another natural benefit.

I’ve been running these courses since 2015, and the feedback has been wonderful, and it’s given me great pleasure to see these traders grow and develop.

Over time the VTP has developed into 5 Stages, which are as follows:

Stage 1: Introduction to trading and financial markets

This is the ideal stand-alone introductory course to trading and financial markets. Over several sessions it provides the building blocks to be able to educate a new trader how to operate safely and effectively within financial markets. By the end of the stage the new trader will understand the 4M’s of Trading: Markets, Methods, Money & Myself. They also develop those three key traits mentioned at the beginning: Process, Discipline & Self-Awareness.

There is no requirement to take any further stages – this is a stand-alone stage that will provide anyone with the fundamental basics of successful trading.

However, should you find yourself engaged, and interested in learning more on your trading journey, then there are also the following Stages which can be taken to help you progress.

Stage 2: An introduction to longer-term Swing trading of FX, Indices and Commodities Markets

Leading on from Stage 1, here we focus on longer term trading of FX, Indices and Commodity markets in-line with how I trade myself and for funds. We provide deeper insight into these markets and additional tactics to help build your own successful trading business.

Stage 3: An introduction to short-term, intra-day trading of FX & Indices markets

As the name implies we focus on how to trade FX, European and US Indices from an intra-day basis. Sessions will be based on preparing for your day of intra-day trading of these markets and how to adapt the strategies, tactics and concepts from earlier Stages for intra-day success.

Stage 4: On Managing Myself, Trader Performance and becoming a Money Manager

This stage is split into 2 sections:  Half on managing self and the other half on managing money – namely other peoples. You may or may not have dreams of becoming a money-manager however acting as if you are a fund manager is never a bad thing in your own trading business. This whole stage will be focused on what you need to do to build your own trading business that will put you in the right space to be able to seek funding (if that is your wish).

Stage 5: On becoming a Funded Trader.

This is a 4-week group coaching initiative that will help support traders going through their funding challenges and help prepare those who are considering taking such a challenge. The sessions provide education, insight, and support on passing your funding challenges, and developing your trading business. As always, it’ll be based on the foundations of the 4M’s of Trading.

I’ll be running Stage 1 once or twice during the year and here is your chance for 2-3 people to join us.

What will you receive? Well it will be based upon covering the 4M’s of Trading: Markets, Method, Money & Myself.

The idea is to introduce people to analysing financial markets (whether it be for trading, investing or managing your pension) and then moving people towards longer term trading. It will be about teaching people to understand and operate safely in markets using process, discipline, and self-awareness.

So Stage 1 will consist of an online course, with a weekly coaching call, plus email and Skype support till the end of the stage. There’ll be no obligation to take any other stages. This stage would in itself provide a sound foundation.

The Stage 1 course will be suited for those new to financial markets and trading. There will be required course work in between. It will be an ideal way to build a base of knowledge for a small cost.

What’s the cost you say? Well I want it to be as accessible as possible to people and veterans alike. As it’s a starter project the cost for Stage 1 will be £297 for the online course and weekly coaching calls. Anyone can join – but Veterans have priority. However there is also a present campaign that you can take advantage of:

Start 2024 with a 30% Discount off the VTP Stage 1 Online Trading Course:

This is going out to a few of my networks so it’s on a first come-first served basis. If you’re interested reply to this, or drop me an email at

Trade well,
