Archive | May, 2016

“Like a re-run of the English Civil War…without the muskets.” Pauls Brexit Rantings

May 26, 2016


Every so often reader I tend to post a blog on my own thoughts about a certain subject matter. Once again I ask for your indulgence as I share my views/treatise/ rant (delete as appropriate) . This is what happens when you leave Paul without mobile or internet coverage for the best part of a […]

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Reminiscences, and the value of volunteering

May 23, 2016

2 Comments Fellow Trader, please indulge me the first few paragraphs about history and my own life – I assure you there is a point and a relevance to traders. Yesterday, I was reading the link above about it being the 68th anniversary of the beginnings of the Leonard Cheshire Disability Charity. So what would that […]

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